Monday, January 29, 2007

Well isn't that special?

So Spank That Donkey has an amusing post up about Sen. Warner "selling out" the Republicans and this war. I guess that whole "Win the War" effort with handmade signs hasn't sparked a national movement.

Well what do you know SWAC "girl" has a post up about the same item in question a few hours later. Isn't this the definition of an echo chamber?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Welcome to Spank My Monkey!

Hello and welcome to Spank My Monkey! All we do in the SWACnation is back each other inanities. Waldo banned "The Dog" and now we'll go on a Quixote-like quest to pretend that we're the victims of the left. We can say nothing better than "I got your back Dog!" and "Good post SWACgirl!" We will defend bigots, racists, and homophobes. Please look at us. We swear we're not doing this for attention that our parents did not give us.

Check back for more episodes of our stupidity over here in SWAC Virginia!